Coding is a method of transmitting a message between the sender and the receiver without a third person knowing it.

The Coding and Decoding

Trick 1


We know that there is 26 alphabets and 5 vowels


Postion Alphabet Alphabet Postion
1 A Z 26
2 B Y 25
3 C X 24
4 D W 23
5 E V 22
6 F U 21
7 G T 20
8 H S 19
9 I R 18
10 J Q 17
11 K P 16
12 L O 15
13 M N 14



So their are various question depends upon it now you can analyse the pattern and answer the question.Their are some example given below:-

QUES:- “LIGHT” is coded as “MJHIU” what will the code for “CURRENT”?


  • L+1=M
  • I+1=J
  • G+1=H
  • H+1=I
  • T+1=U

So the code for “CURRENT”is

  • C+1=D
  • U+1=V
  • R+1=S
  • R+1=S
  • E+1=F
  • N+1=O
  • T+1=U

So the current is coded as “DVSSFOU”

QUES:- “FAN” is coded as “UZM” what will the code for “BULB”?

ANS:-This is depend upon opposite order of alphabets see the above table

  • opposite of “F” is “U”
  • opposite of “A” is “Z”
  • opposite of “N” is “M”

So the code for “BLUB”

  • opposite of “B” is “Y”
  • opposite of “U” is “F”
  • opposite of “L” is “O”
  • opposite of “B” is “Y”

So the BULB is coded as “YFOY”.

QUES:-“SIMPLE” is coded as “SRMPLV” what will be the code for “MANGO”?

ANS:-This question is depend upon the “VOWELS”

      so in the “simple” except i and e are the same only vowel change their order so the opposite of “i” is “r” and “e” is “v”.Similary in “MANGO” their are two vowels “A” and “O”


      opposite of “A” is “Z” and opposite of “O” is “L”.

“MANGO” is coded as “MZNGL”


QUES:-“GREAT” is coded as “79512” whai will be the code for “DOWRY”?

ANS:-This is depend upon the alphabeat postion

      • “G”is at the 7 postion = 7
      • “R” is at 18 postion =1+8=9
      • “E” is at the 5 postion=5
      • “A” is at the 1 postion=1
      • “T” is at the 20 postion=2+0=2

so the “DOWERY” is coded as “46597”.

QUES:-“MODERN” is coded as “5%38#@” and “WIN” is coded as “6*@” what will be the code for “RIDER”?
ANS:-So the code for“RIDER”=”#*38#”.

QUES:-HOTEL=60,SHORT=80 what will be the code for “MATCH”?

ANS:-Code for “H” is 8
Code for “O” is 15
Code for “T” is 20
Code for “E” is 5
Code for “L” is 12
SO “HOTEL” is coded as = 8+15+20+5+12=60
Code for “S” is 19
Code for “H” is 8
Code for “O” is 15
Code for “R” is 18
Code for “T” is 20
SO “SHORT” is coded as = 19+8+15+18+20=80

Code for “M” is 13
Code for “A” is 1
Code for “T” is 20
Code for “C” is 3
Code for “H” is 8
SO the “MATCH” is coded as = 13+1+20+3+8=45.