Here you can see the syllabus of IBPS SO (specialist officer) We have also provided the exam pattern for proper understanding Every section is given in full detail.
IBPS SO Exam Pattern 2015 – The written exam is of 200 marks. 2 hours time is given to solve the paper. The test is conducted online. There are 5 options in every question. 1/4 negative marking is applicable for wrong answers. There are four sections in IBPS SO( Specialist Officer) Exam.
There are four section in specialist officer
1.English language
3.Professional knowledge
4.Quantitative Aptitude or General Awareness depends on the particular type of post you apply for.
IBPS SO Syllabus 2015:
Here is the detailed syllabus of all the sections.
1. English Language– Word Formation, Passage Correction, Sentence Correction, Spelling, Idioms and Phrases, Sentence Completion, Synonyms, Antonyms, Theme detection, Passage Completion, Conclusion.
2.Reasoning section– Sitting Arrangement, Series Completion, Syllogism, Decision Making, Statement Reasoning, Analogy, Coding Decoding, Blood Relation, Series Completion, Analogy, Classification.
3.Quantitative Aptitude – Numbers, Simplification, Roots, Average, Surds & Indices, Percentage, Profit and Loss, Ratio & Proportion, Boats & Streams, Allegations , Simple and Compound Interest, Stocks & Shares, Clocks, Logarithms, Mensuration, Volume & Surface Area, Permutation & combination, Probability, Heights & Distances Partnership, Chain Rule, Time & Work, Time & Distance, Problems on Trains, Pipes & Cisterns, Tabulation, Bar Graphs, Line Graphs, Pie Charts.
4a. General / Banking Awareness – Questions in this section will be asked for testing the candidate’s general awareness of the environments around him and its application to society. These questions will be such that they do not require a specific study of any discipline. Questions on knowledge of current events, India and its neighboring countries, Sports, History, Culture, Geography, Economy, General Polity, Indian Constitution, Scientific Research etc. topics will be asked.
Over 50% of the questions will be related to Economy, Banking and Finance
4b. IBPS SO Syllabus 2015 of Professional Knowledge – IBPS Specialist Officer syllabus for Professional Knowledge is below.
In this section, Questions from respective fields are asked – Agriculture, Law, Marketing, IT and HR
For Engineering (Professional Knowledge) – respective branch syllabus of GATE exam. Just basic questions will be asked. So just prepare your basics of engineering.
(i)IBPS SO IT Officer Syllabus – Data Base Management System (DBMS) – Approx 15-20 Questions will be asked from RDBMS, E- R Diagrams, Normalization, Overview of SQL queries, Transaction Management. Also 10-20 questions will be asked from Data Communication & Networking, IP Addressing (Subnetting), Network, Architecture, OSI Model, TCP-IP Model, Data Communication. Around 10-12 ques. from topics like Operating System – Types of OS, Semaphore, Scheduling, Network Security, Cyber Crimes – Risk Management, Firewall, Cryptography, Process thread, Dead Lock, Memory Partitioning, Page Replacement, Computer organization, Hardware, Microprocessor, Bus Structure etc. 5-8 ques. from Software Engineering and data structure topics like SDLC, Software Development Models, Array, Linked List, Stacks etc. Around 2-6 ques. from Web Technologies and basics of Programming Languages topics like HTML Tags, XML, Network Security, basics of C, C++, OOP languages.
(ii)IBPS SO Marketing Officer Syllabus – Marketing mix (4-Ps of Marketing), brand management, basic knowledge of retail management, business ethics, services marketing (additional People, Process & physical evidence), Intellectual Property Rights (IPR), copyrights, trademarks, patents, marketing strategy (horizontal, vertical etc.), corporate social responsibility.
Official Website: www.ibps.in