H.C.F. & L.C.M.

  • Factorization & Division Method
  • HCF & LCM of Fractions & Decimal Numbers



On Basis H.C.F. or G.C.M L.C.M.
Factorization Method Write each number as the product of the prime factors. The product of least powers of common prime factors gives H.C.F.
Find the H.C.F. of 108, 288 and 360.108 = 22✘33, 288 = 25✘32 and 360 = 23✘5✘32H.C.F. = 22✘32=36
Write each numbers into a product
of prime factors. Then, L.C.M is
the product of highest powers of
all the factors.
Find the L.C.M. of 72, 108 and 2100.
Division Method Let we have two numbers .Pick the smaller one and divide it by the larger one. After that divide the divisor with the remainder. This process of dividing the preceding number by the remainder will repeated until we got the zero as remainder.The last divisor is the required H.C.F. Let we have set of numbers.
First of all find the number
which divide at least two of
the number in a given set of
number.remainder and
not divisible numbers
will carry forward as it is.
Repeat the process till
at least two number is
not divisible by any number
except 1.The product of
the divisor and the
undivided numbers is the required L.C.M.
H.C.F. & L.C.M. of Fractions H.C.F. = H.C.F. of Numerator / L.C.M. of Denominators L.C.M. = L.C.M. of Numerator /H.C.F. of Denominators
Product of H.C.F. & L.C.M. H.C.F * L.C.M. = product of two numbers
Decimal numbers H.C.F. of Decimal numbers
Step 1. Find the HCF of the given
numbers without decimal.
Step 2.Put the decimal point ( in the
HCF of Step 1) from right to left
according to the MAXIMUM
deciaml places among the given numbers.
L.C.M. of Decimal numbers
Step 1. Find the LCM of the given
numbers without decimal.
Step 2.Put the decimal point ( in the
LCM of Step 1) from right to left
according to the MINIMUM
deciaml places among the given numbers.