Check SBI Clerk Syllabus 2015 with Exam Pattern – SBI Clerk Exam Syllabus
State Bank of India (SBI) is the largest bank of India having the most number of branches. It conducts several exams every year for fulfilling its staff requirements. A large number of candidates usually appear for its exams. Those candidates who are preparing for State Bank of India clerk exam needs to know the syllabus of the exam. The bank conducts online exam for these posts. Large number of candidates appear for any of its vacancies. So the competition is tough in this bank exam. Those aspirants who appear for the test with preparation will increase their chances of qualifying. So here we are providing you the syllabus of SBI Clerk exam 2015. The written test consists of 5 sections. The section-wise syllabus of State Bank of India Clerk Exam.
SBI Clerk Syllabus 2015 with Exam Pattern
SBI clerk online exam generally consists of 5 sections viz. Reasoning Ability, Quantitative Aptitude, General English, General Awareness, Computer Awareness /Marketing Aptitude.
SBI Clerk Exam Pattern
Total marks – 200
No. of Questions – 200
Number of Sections – 5 (Every section 40 marks – 40 ques.)
The sections are Reasoning Ability, Data Interpretation / Quantitative aptitude, English, Computer / marketing aptitude, General awareness.
Every Question – 1 mark
Time allowed: Composite time of 2 Hours 15minutes
Negative marks – 1/4th mark will be deducted for each
To qualify, candidates will have to qualify in each section.
SBI Clerk Syllabus 2015
Here is the detailed syllabus of all these sections.
Quantitative Aptitude : Number system, simplifications, Roots, Averages, Surds & Indices, Percentages, Profit & Loss, Ratio& Proportion, Partnership, Chain rule, Time & work, Pipes & Cisterns, Time & Distance, Problems on trains, Boats & streams, Allegation & mixtures, Simple & Compound interest, clocks & algorithms, mensuration, Volume& surface area, Permutations & combinations, heights& distances, line graphs, Bar graphs, pie charts, Tabulation
SBI Clerk Syllabus – Reasoning Ability :
Series completion, syllogisms, Decision making, Statements , Analogy, Coding & decoding, Blood relations, Sitting arrangements, Classification.
General English :
Deriving conclusions, Passage completion, Error detection, Passage correction, Sentence correction, Vocabulary, Spelling correction, Grammar, Idioms, Phrases, Synonyms, Word formation, Antonyms, Sentence completion, Comprehension, Theme detection.
General Awareness : Indian Constitution, News about technology and researches, News on India and its neighbouring countries, Knowledge of current events, Sports , history, geography, culture.
Computer Awareness/Marketing Aptitude
Computer Awareness : Questions related to Computer software and hardware, operating system, shortcut keys, Microsoft word, PowerPoint, Excel, Internet & networks
Marketing Aptitude: Questions on economy of India, questions on Marketing, banking and finance
Note: There will be Negative marking for wrong answers. For every wrong answer given by the candidate, 0.25 marks or ΒΌ marks will be deducted as a penalty for that wrong answer.